Wednesday 1 April 2020

Blackcaps vs Chiffchaffs, Peacock Butterfly, Red-tailed, Early and Moss Carder Bumblebees - Day13

Still cold and bright, with a noticeable frost. The walk in the woods was notable for the number of singing Spring migrants, namely 3 Blackcaps and 4 Chiffchaffs. There were several drumming Great Spotted Woodpeckers too.

In the garden there were the usual visitors to the feeders. I have a relatively unusual sighting of a Collard Dove, and later a Chaffinch. The tadpoles continue to swarm in the pond, and a Peacock Butterfly came to sun itself on the concrete path.

My real excitement was reserved for the identification of three more species of bumblebee. This took me to 5 species for the year, after Tree and Buff-tailed. The new species were Red-tailed, Early and Moss Carder (this last one is a less confident identification)




 Red-tailed Bumblebee

 Moss Carder Bumblebee

 Early Bumblebee

Plum blossom

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