Tuesday 7 April 2020

Devil's Coach Horse, Blackcap, Sparrowhawk and Stonechat - Day 19

Another glorious morning, the walk in Foxholes Wood was full of birdsong, and the light was sensational. Came across a very active Devil's Coach Horse beetle. Found about a dozen Field Maples. Lovely view of a male Blackcap, singing away.

On the Downs was a singing Stonechat, and a chatty flock of 13 Linnets.

In the garden there was continuous activity from Ravens and Buzzards, but they kept their distance today. Lovely Sparrowhawk over too. Cut the lawn and pruned back the bushes around the pond, which has tadpoles and some small frogs.

Devil's Coach Horse

Field Maple

Horse Chestnut in Foxholes Wood

Male  Blackcap

Horse Chestnut





 Looking west from Willingdon Hill

Willingdon Hill

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