Thursday 16 April 2020

Dunnocks, Hawthorn, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Small Whites and Blue Tit gathering hair - Day 28

Another Gokotta to start the day. Increasing, the birdsong gets quieter from 7 am as the progression of the year moves us further away from the dawn. The garden Dunnocks are my ever-present companions.

The dog-walk around the woods was lovely, as ever. The Hawthorns are coming into flower, and we found an Apple Tree in blossom. Good views of a Great Spotted Woodpecker.

Buzzards mobbed by local corvids over the garden,. Two Small Whites also visited. Delighted to see a Blue Tit collecting dog hair for nesting.

Dunnock in the Lilac tree at dawn

Another unusual Celandine flower, this one with 10 petals


Apple blossom

Great Spotted Woodpecker

Small White

Buzzard and Carrion Crows

Blue Tit and Bracken's hair

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