Wednesday 15 April 2020

Speckled Wood, more Bluebells, Common Twayblade, Hummingbird Hawk-moth, Garden Warbler and Blue Tit - Day 27

Lovely clear sky, less wind and starting to warm up. The morning dog walk in Foxholes Wood / Further Plantation was glorious. We found several more patches of apparently native Bluebells, but the flower spikes are suspiciously upright, which might suggest they are a native / Spanish hybrid.

The Common Twayblades are starting to flower, and the patch is quite extensive. It was Speckled Wood day, with four individuals along the upper path.

Excitement in the garden when the Hummingbird Hawk-moth visited again, but briefly. A Garden Warble sang from the Lilac, but typically remained hidden.Lovely views of a Blue Tit in the afternoon light.

 Robin, in morning light

 Suspect Bluebells, probably a hybrid

 Common Twayblade

 Speckled Wood

 Double-flowered Celandines

 Record shot of the Hummingbird Hawk-moth

 Common Carder Bee

Blue Tit

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