Friday 10 April 2020

Whitethroat, Comma, Mistle Thrush, Bluebells, Early Purple Orchid, Sparrowhawk and Small White - Day 22

Good Friday occasioned a longer walk over the near deserted downs to the other side of Jevington, staying within 2 miles of the house. Another gloriously sunny day, with a welcome, if slightly stiff, breeze

Walking down from Willingdon Hill I saw my first Whitethroat and my first Comma of the year. In Jevington was a beautiful Mistle Thrush in full song, somewhere between a Blackbird and Song Thrush.

In the scraps of woodland above the west side of Jevington, near Holt Brow, were some respectable patches of Bluebells, which were nearing perfection. I also found a small group of Early Purple Orchids.

On the walk hoe were several Buzzards, a Kestrel and a Sparrowhawk. There was another Sparrowhawk over the garden later on. Finally a white butterfly landed for long enough to allow me to identify it as a Small White


 A rather battered Speckled Wood

 Mistle Thrush

 Collared Dove


 Red Campion


 Townhall Clock

 Early Purple Orchid



 The path down to Jevington from Willingdon Hil

 Salsify - a new species that has started to grow on my wildflower lawn

 Another Sparrowhawk

Small White

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