Thursday 2 April 2020

Dawn Chorus, Nuthatch, Elm Trees and Herb Robert - Day 14

A grey and overcast day, with only occasional sunny spells. I was up early for the Together with Birdsong virtual meeting, and the dawn chorus was fantastic. There were Green and Great Spotted Woodpeckers calling and drumming incessantly, with singing Dunnocks, Greenfinches, Robins and Blackbirds.

The walk in the woods was hugely enlivened by a very bold Nuthatch. Coal Tits and Goldcrests were very vocal. I spent some time re-finding the English Elms, and was delighted to find a second massive tree.

On the golf course, delightfully free of golfers, there was a large patch of Herb Robert coming into flower.


 English Elm

Herb Robert

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