Friday 3 April 2020

A change in the wind, Sycamore leaves, Garden Birds and Early Bumblebee - Day 15

Into my third week of social distancing, and finally the chilly northeast wind has shifted around to the southeast. Spring seems to be accelerating; there is a daily singing contest in the woods between the recently arrived Chiffchaffs and Blackcaps, with support from Great Tits, Wrens, Coal Tits, Goldcrests and woodpeckers of both the local species. The Sycamore leaves have put on a spurt of growth They are looking fresh and tinged with orange.

Back in the garden the usual birds visited the feeders: Blue Tits, Great Tits, Long-tailed Tits, Dunnocks and Robins. The Coal Tits have not come for several days, but Chaffinches appear to have taken up territory about three gardens away.

I managed to get some good pictures of Early Bumblebee, one of the five species that are currently visiting the garden. I think I saw a Honey Bee too. Bee-flies continue to be very common.

The Plum tree is in full blossom, and the Pear tree will start to flower withing the week.

New Sycamore leaves


Blue Tit

Early Bumblebee

Plum blossom

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