Tuesday 31 March 2020

Plum blossom, Chiffchaff, Stonechat, Dunnock, Tadpoles and English Elm - Day 12

Another bright day, but still the northeasterly remains. The Victoria Plum tree in our front garden is just starting to flower.

A different walk today, starting of at Beachy Brow, with its maze-like patches of scrub. Chiffchaff, Raven, Buzzard, Skylark, Goldfinch, Coal Tit and a splendid male Stonechat. The old path down from Foxholes Brow has become another widely cleared track. Heard the calls of Green Woodpecker.

Down in Foxholes wood I was extremely excited to find a massive English Elm tree, identified by its tiny red, brush-like flowers. Somehow this tree has eluded Dutch Elm Disease, ironically while all the Ash in the wood is succumbing to Die-back.

The larger of the garden ponds is now full of new tadpoles, a happy sign of Spring. Also in the garden, Mr and Mrs Dunnock are a permanent fixture.

 Plum blossom

 Another day, another Chiffchaff

 Male Stonechat


 A surprisingly yellow tree

English Elm flowers

 Mr and Mrs Dunnock


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