Thursday 23 April 2020

Dawn chorus, Holley Blue, Red Currant, Gold Crest, Red Kite and Hawthorn - Day 35

I got up early and walked out into Further Plantation to listen to the birdsong, and take part in Golkotta. The Wrens and Blackcaps were going full tilt. 

Later, back in the wood with the dog, I was delighted to finally photograph a Holley Blue. I had been seeing them in the wood for a couple of weeks, but very briefly. We found a patch of Redcurrants, already developing fruit and some Raspberries. The cluster of Yews continues to support a group of very vocal Goldcrest, but the Firecrests that were here in the winter appear to have moved on.

Another Red Kite over the garden, with attendant Jackdaws, was the second sighting this week, and my fourth here this year. Perhaps they have finally moved in this far east, rather than just migrating through.

Later in the day I came across my first flowering Hawthorn, spreading its heady scent on a warm afternoon

 The younger part of the wood at Foxholes

 Sycamore leaves and flower panicles

 Holley Blue


 Redcurrant - in Further Plantation


 Speckled Wood

 Red Kite with Jackdaw


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