Sunday 19 April 2020

Willow Warbler, Nightingale, Flowering Ramsons, Linnets, Grizzled Skipper and Red Kites - Day 31

Early cloud replaced by another sunny day. Another longer dog walk, this time to Lullington Heath. Ravens were circling low over the Downs then drifting off over Further Plantation. A willow Warbler was singing in the scarp-edge woods.

Amazingly, a Nightingale was singing in the scrub along the Willingdon Hill to Jevington path. The paths continue to be the haunts of Speckled Wood butterflies, and there was Mistle Thrush again in Jevington.

In the woods below Holt Brow there were some good stands of Bluebells and amazing stretched of Ramsons, which seem to prefer the north facing slopes.

Up at Lullington Heath, there was a good amount of water in the old bomb crater, and a steady stream of Linnets flew in to drink. I was delighted to see my first ever Grizzled Skippers. A great deal of the Gorse has been cleared in the reserve, but the heath is yet to develop.

On the walk back we were surprised by two Red Kites, passing low over us at Willingdon Hill. They quickly passed over the edge, catching updrafts and soared away.

Blue Tit


Green Shield Bug (Palomena prasina)

Coombe Hill

Ramsons below Holt Brow


Lullington Heath

Grizzled Skipper

Red Campion

Garlic Mustard

Red Kite

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