Friday 17 April 2020

Greenfinch, Marsh Marigold, Alexanders and Goldfinch - Day 29

Shopping Day is always rather an unpleasant reminder of the strange times we are living in, and it takes up most of the morning.

The 3 local Greenfinches can be heard calling everyday, but other than the occasional fly-over, I rarely get a good look at them. Having one perch in the 'Robin Tree' made a nice change.

The Marsh Marigolds in the main pond are still going strong, but they have finished in the front one. The tadpoles have dispersed. Sightings of adult frogs are becoming less common. I am still waiting for the first Odonata activity.

The Alexanders in the local wood is looking marvellous. It is previously a species that I would have just dismissed as a 'Cow Parsley', but this year I have more time and I look more. The flowers of the Norway Maple have mainly fallen to the ground.

I was delighted to have three Goldfinches come and feed on the sunflower hearts in the garden. The first for several years. I hope they return. I had a brief glimpse of a possible Banded Carder Bee, but I will need to keep looking to be certain


 Marsh Marigold




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