Thursday 9 April 2020

Dunnocks, Speckled Wood, Orange Tip, Wren, Blackthorn and Goldfinch - Day 21

Yet another glorious day, starting with Together with Birdsong. The Dunnocks were very vocal, as were the Green Woodpeckers and Starlings. A Red Kite appeared, but was chased silently away by a Rook.

As usual the walk in Foxholes Wood, with the dog, was a delight. I was thrilled to see, in short succession, my 6th and 7th species of UK butterfly for the year: Speckled Wood and Orange Tip. Yet again today, several white butterflies skipped briefly into view without me managing to identify them. I had lovely views of a Wren, which was busy making territorial calls

The local Ravens and Buzzards had quite a show down over the garden. The Blackthorn is flowering wonderfully. I also got good sight of a Goldfinch as the sun lowered above the Downs.




 Red Kite being chased by a Rook


 Orange Tip


 Speckled Wood

 Great Tit



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