Saturday 4 April 2020

Glorious weather, Sea Mist, Linnet, Rook, Butterflies and Buff-tailed Bumblebees - Day 16

A glorious day. I sat in the garden from 6.30am to take part in Together with Birdsong. The local Green Finches, Dunnocks, Green and Great Spotted Woodpeckers put on a great display. The sea mist sporadically invaded the hillside.

Set of for a longer walk at 10am, heading south along the downs, towards Cornish Farm. Linnet, Skylark, Rook, Raven and Buzzard all about. Nice cup of tea. Abundant Chiffchaffs and Blackcaps in the woods. Several Peacocks and Brimstome about. Saw my first white butterflies of the year in the UK, but could not identify the species. Home by 1pm.

Lovely relaxed afternoon in the garden. Actually dozed in the sun, read my book and took the odd photo. Saw a Buzzard get chased off by a Raven, that was immediately mobbed by Jackdaws. Took photos of Buff-tailed Bumblebees and Peacock butterflies.

 Dawn and the sea mist


 Honesty - on the wildflower lawn



 The Downs - towards Cornish Farm

 Towards Hastings, from Beachy Brow



 Blue Tit

 Buzzard and Raven

Buff-tailed Bumblebee

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