Tuesday 21 April 2020

Stock Dove, Elm leaves, Spanish Hyacinth, Sparrowhawk, Apple Blossom and Rabbit - Day 34

A glorious day, with slightly less wind. An early visit to the garden from a Stock Dove, and later a pair of Feral Pigeons.

The walk in Foxholes Wood and Further Plantation was extremely pleasant. The Elm trees are coming into leaf and they are developing clusters of their pale, flat fruits. A Sparrowhawk flying over was exciting. There were Rabbits feeding on the golf course.

The garden was also visited by Large White, Brimstone and a male Orange-tip butterflies.

 Stock Dove

 Oak leaves

 Elm fruits

 Elm leaves

 A typical sight in Foxholes Wood; dead, leafless Ash trees towering over young Sycamore

 Spanish Hyacinths


 Apple blossom

European Rabbit

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