Sunday 5 April 2020

Raven and Buzzard squabble, Woodpeckers, Emerging Common Twayblade and Long-tailed Tit - Day 17

Another beautifully sunny day. The low key squabble between the local Buzzards and Ravens escalated a little, with a Raven boldly harassing a Buzzard at close quarters.

The dog walk in the wood was full of birdsong, with active Blue Tits and Great Spotted Woodpeckers in addition to the numerous Blackcaps and Chiffchaffs. The patch of Common Twayblades has started to emerge, and the Wood Anemones continue to look fantastic. The warm weather had encouraged butterflies, and there were four Brimstone, two Peacock on the wing, plus my first Small Tortoiseshell of the year

Up on the hill above the wood there were some Long-tailed Tits, along with several singing Skylarks.

 Raven and Buzzard

 Blue Tit

 Great Spotted Woodpecker

 Wood Anemone

 Common Twayblade

 Long-tailed Tit

Looking east from Beachy Brow

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