Tuesday 14 April 2020

Norway Maple, Sanicle,Native Bluebells, Spotted Orchids and Ravens - Day 26

Still chilly, but with less wind. Bright and breezy. Nice dog walk around Foxholes, particularly Further Plantation, which is ancient woodland.

In this part of the wood I identified a large Norway Maple, that was flowering with new leaves emerging. Also, we came across a patch of Sanicle. I was really pleased to find a small patch of native Bluebells. There are several clumps of Spanish Bluebells at the newer edges of the wood.

In a small grassy clearing the emerging leaves of Common Spotted Orchids looked striking. There was a loud Song Thrush singing

Later in the day There were Ravens over the garden, which was also visited by Great Tits and briefly by a Blackcap, which sang from the Lilac.

 Flowering Norway Maple


 Common Spotted Orchid leaves



 Great Tit


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