Wednesday 8 April 2020

Pear Blossom, Blackthorn, Gorse, Red Kite and Common Frog - Day 20

Today felt like high summer. The pear tree in the back garden is now in full blossom, but it has rather an unpleasant odour. Nevertheless it is very popular with the bees and other insects.

The dog walk up to the downs was lovely, with real heat making the climb a bit of a struggle. Chiffchaffs and Blackcaps continue to dominate, but Great Tits and Chaffinches do their best to compete.

Blackthorn and Gorse are also in full bloom. We came across a small patch of native Bluebells. Not a carpet, but at least we will see some later this month.

Later on a Kestrel, a Sparrowhawk and a Red Kite interrupted the Buzzard raptor monopoly. The Ravens were quit today.

I finally managed to spot some of the Common Frogs in our lager pond. The new tadpoles continue to swarm in a small patch

 Pear blossom




 Red Kite

Common Frog

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