Saturday 11 April 2020

Swallows, Meadow Pipit, Hairy-footed Flower Bee, Willow Warbler, Buzzards, Fork-tailed Flower Bee and Carder Bee - Day 23

Another wonderfully warm and sunny day. Less breeze, but with more high cloud. Nice Gokotta session. Long-tailed Tits visited the feeder, but did not get picked up.

Lovely dog-walk, taking advantage of the lack of golfers to enjoy the Downs course. Found an Adder skin. Nice views of a Meadow Pipit, and three Swallows flying up from Ringwood Bottom. Saw a Hairy-footed Flower Bee, that looked like a large black Bee-fly.

Delighted to encounter a singing Willow Warbler at the woodland edge at Beachy Brow.

Today was Buzzard day, with two pairs lazily sparring with each other. The encounters were less aggressive than the recent Buzzard and Raven squabbles. The Salsify in the garden behaves like its close relative, Jack-go-to-bed-at-noon, and closes its flowers at midday.

Identified Common Carder Bee and Fork-tailed Flower Bee feeding on the Rosemary blossom.

 Long-tailed Tit

 Morning Woodpigeon

 Starling and Robin at dawn

Salsify, before and after midday

 Adder skin

 Hairy-footed Flower (Anthropora plumipes)

 Buff-tailed Bumblebee

 Meadow Pipit

 Willow Warbler



 Common Carder Bee (Bombus pascuorum)

 Fork-tailed Flower Bee (Anthophora furcata) 

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