Monday 6 April 2020

Field Maple, Blackcap, Dotted Bee-fly, Greenfinch and Bloody-nosed Beetle - Day 18

The promise of rain faded away as the morning progressed, with only a few dots falling in Eastbourne. This prompted me to water the wildflower lawn and the pots with butterfly seed mix in them, some of which have started to germinate.

The walk in the wood was very quiet, in contrast to yesterday. I found several clumps of Hazel, some switches of which we used for our Easter 'tree'. I also found Laurel and Field Maple, the latter with lovely miniature maple-shaped leaves. There were good views of a Greenfinch

In the garden, the female Blackcap continues to visit the garden, foraging for insects and berries. I managed to identify Dotted Bee-fly (Bombylius discolor), which is slightly larger than the Dark-edged Bee-fly.

I came across a Bloody-Nosed Beetle, also known as a Blood-Spewing Beetle, (Timarcha tenebricosa).

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