Saturday 18 April 2020

Red Admirals, House Martin, Cowslips, Juvenile Rabbits and Flowering Ramsons - Day 30

I took a longer than usual dog walk; gaining the ridge at Beachy Brow I navigated a loop via Eldon, Chapman's and Ringwood Bottoms, finally cutting back across the Downs gold course. Today was Red Admiral day, and I saw at least 9 on my walk.

I saw a few Swallows, and my first House Martin, flying north along Chapman's Bottom. The Cowslips along the path in Ringwood Bottom were perfect. Just west of Ringwood Farm there were large numbers of young Rabbits in the fields.

I had a good look at a Whitethroat on the golf course. There were also Peacock and Speckled Wood butterflies about. In the scarp-edge woods below Beachy Brow the Ransons were starting to flower

Chapman's Bottom, looking north (top) and south

Terrible photo of a Swallow

Looking east up to Pea Down

Red Admiral



Juvenile Rabbits



Speckled Wood



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