Sunday 12 April 2020

Jay, Frogs, Great Tit, Horse Chestnut leaves and Chiffchaffs - Day 24

The warmest day of the April heatwave; the Easter Egg hunt had to be rushed to avoid melting.

Two Common Frogs in the garden pond.

During the walk, I had lovely views of  a Jay. The Horse Chestnut leaves seem to be growing before ones eyes. The Celandines and Wood Anemone still look fantastic. Good views also of a Chiffchaff.

In the garden there were male and female Orange Tips and a Holley Blue. The front garden feeder was busy today with Great Tits in addition to Dunnocks, Robins and Blue Tits. Today was mainly Ravens overhead.

 Great Tit - another one for the 'Birds with tongues' gallery



 Horse Chestnut

 Common Frog

 Female Blackbird


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