Monday 12 June 2017

Rye Harbour

Visited Rye Harbour on the last day of a very busy Whitsun half-term.

Delighted to find my first ever Lizard Orchid. This one was by the footpath on Camber golf course OS ref TQ944 192.

Most of the flowers were still buds.

As each flower opens the crazily long labellum uncoils. Thanks to Matt Eade for the information on where to find this species.

Beautiful Pyramidal Orchid growing in the same spot.

A frankly terrifying Brown Crab Spider Xysticus cristatus. The eyes are full of menace.

Viper's Blugloss or Adderwort Echium vulgare.

Avocets, with a juvenile in the second photo.

Ringed Plover.

Black-headed Gulls, breeding prolifically.

With its black bill, I am pretty sure this has to be a Roseate Tern, a lifetime first.

Common Tern with a visible leg ring. I also saw Little and Sandwich Terns.

Horned Poppy Glaucium flavum.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing!! So beautiful. Except I have to say, for the spiders. Toooo well photographed, every detail clear....
