Saturday 24 June 2017

Pett Level and Rye Harbour

The Common Tern colony at Rye Harbour was a fantastic spectacle today.

Adult birds were constantly arriving with supplies of fish

A fish was definitely the must have accessory.

Hungry Tern chicks were very mobile on the island, pursuing adults persistently.

These chicks are anticipating the immanent arrival of food from above.

Which soon arrived. 

Often the adults would bathe after delivering food to the chicks.

Some of the adult birds were still exhibiting courtship behaviour. The bird on the right is Begging for food from the other bird.

Black-headed Gulls feeding in the flooded vegetation at high tide.

The tide at Rye Harbour was the highest I have ever seen, with water right up to the path.

Displaying Oystercatchers.

Oystercatcher with chick.

Oystercatcher chick.

Black-headed Gull chicks.

Older Black-headed Gulls.


Juvenile Wheatear.

Ringed Plover with chicks.

A real highlight of my visit was three brief glimpses of a Quail, before it went to ground in some grass in the northeast corner of the Ternary Pool reserve.

Hunting male Marsh Harrier at Pett Level.

Common Pochard.

Mute Swan with cygnets and an interloper.

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