Monday 5 June 2017

Enford and Iping

A truly exceptional day out started with a drive out to Enford, Wiltshire to visit the Great Bustard release site.

An obliging male Great Bustard.

A pair of Stone Curlews with a chick. A lifetime first!.

Male and female Grey Partridge.

A wonderful time up on Salisbury Plain, made more exciting for my son by the loud, and at times hide shaking, artillery and machine gun fire from the adjacent military range.

Later in the day I drove out to Iping Common, arriving just before the sun set.


Beautiful light as the sun set. Yellowhammers, Willow Warblers, Long-tailed Tits and a distant Cuckoo were all busy in the dusk.

Roe Deer.

Poor record shot of one of the two churring Nightjars.

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