Wednesday 7 June 2017

Back Garden

The wildlife in and around my garden has been quite busy over the last few days.

Mating Slow Worms.

One of the two local Buzzards being harassed by a pair of Carrion Crows and a Jackdaw.

One of the first fogs to metamorphose from the tadpoles that have been living in the pond, which is not quite a year old.

A much larger Common Frog, that appears to live, on and off, in the pond.

There were at least six pairs of Large Red Damselflies laying eggs.

The empty case of a Damselfly larva, that must have been laid in the pond last summer. Since the pond is only one year old this cannot have been a Large Red Damselfly, which has a two year larval stage. Common Blue Damselflies have a one year larval stage, and they were seen around the pond last summer.

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