Tuesday 24 March 2020

Singing Blackcap, Wood Anemones, Buzzards, Ravens and a Peacock Butterfly - Day 5

The fifth day of my social distancing, and the first day of national lockdown, was another wonderfully sunny March day. I took part in the Together with Birdsong live streaming again, and was really pleased to capture the yaffle of a Green Woodpecker. Learnt the word 'apricity' for the warmth of the sun on a cold winter's day, the song of the Dunnock accompanying it, with two singing in the garden.

The walk in the wood with Bracken was lovely. I was surprised to hear a singing Blackcap along with the Chiffchaffs. The Wood Anemones were looking great, in the patch of ancient woodland.

The local Herring Gulls announced the presence of a pair of Buzzards, that moved slowly over the garden, and later a pair of Ravens conked over.

In the garden, there were brief views of a Hummingbird Hawk-moth, three months earlier than my previous record. Also Bee Fly, Seven Spot Ladybird and a Peacock Butterfly. The afternoon sun was lovely, and the persistent cold south-easterly wind finally stopped.

 Wood Anemones

 Bee Fly

 Possibly an Ivy Bee?



Buzzards, with one of the mobbing Jackdaws

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