Thursday 26 March 2020

Celandine, Chaffinch, Long-tailed Tits, Stonechats and Great Spotted Woodpeckers - Day 7

Another clear and cold day, which started with Together with Birdsong again. I contributed Greenfinch, Coal Tits and copulating Herring Gulls. 

Bracken's morning walk around Foxholes Wood was a joy, with two singing Blackcaps joining the Chiffchaffs, Great Tits, Wrens and Stock Doves. I was thrilled to get a really good look at a smart male Chaffinch, which has become rather scarce locally. Celandines, Herb Robert, Violets and Vipers Bugloss were flowering, along with the continuing magnificent display of Wood Anemone.

In the garden there were more flowering plants: Ivy-leaved Toadflax, Eregion and Hellibore. The feeders continued to be busy, with Long-tailed Tits being notable, after a few days absence. A pair visited, one of whom has only one eye. Sometimes we get a group of three.

Overhead there was the usual traffic of Buzzards and Ravens. The Buzzards looked to be performing ritualised dives. At one time, a mobbing Carrion Crow was grabbed by a Raven and the two fell cartwheeling down, before the Raven released the crow.

Later on there were Skylark, a pair of Stonechat, Kestrel and three Great Spotted Woodpeckers on the downs. Bird list for the day was 23, a new record.


Wood Anemone


Magpie drinking at the front pond

Raven and Carrion Crow confrontation

Long-tailed Tits

Busy feeders

Male Stonechat

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