Monday 30 March 2020

Chiffchaff, Blackthorn blossom and Bee-flies - Day 11

Sometimes I think about the situation, and the enormity of what is going on becomes overwhelming. I have to focus on one day at a time.

Today was bright, and the awful wind of yesterday had eased to be quite pleasant. In the woods for the dog's walk, a Chiffchaff was singing again. I also saw some flowering Blackthorn at the woodland edge. Some parts of the wood show no sign of spring, as the Ash trees that dominate has all succumbed to the die-back, but this will be an opportunity for new life. The trees either side of the main paths have been cut back severely, to prevent them falling on walkers. This has opened the woodland up quite extensively, and may lure back Nightingales, which have not sung in it for at least three summers.

At lunchtime I spent some time in the garden, and got some good views of Bee-flies. Strange furry creatures, that seem to hang in the air.

Violet, growing on the wildflower lawn


Ash Woodland


Bombylius major, the Dark-edged Bee-fly

View from the downs


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