Sunday 22 March 2020

Garganey, Tree Bumblebee, Brimstone, Yellow-legged Mining Bee and Blackcap - Day 3

Another sunny day. News of Garganey in the Cuckmere Valley lured me out early, confident I could keep well away from others. There was a really good mix of waterfowl in the flooded fields, including the most Pintail I have seen there.

Later we walked from home, over the downs, to the woods above Jevington to collect a bunch of Wild Garlic. At times, our quiet walk was alarmingly busy, particularly when we were near Butts Brow or on the South Downs Way. Nice to see my first Brimstone and a busy patch of Yellow-legged Mining Bees

Later in the garden I saw my first ever Tree Bumblebee, and a female Blackcap.

 A pair of roosting Garganey (just visible near the far left) with Wigeon and Shoveler


 Wigeon and Shoveler

 Tree Bumblebee



 Yellow-legged Mining Bee busy excavating

Female Blackcap

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