Saturday 21 March 2020

Buff-tailed Bumblebee Queen, Sand Martins and Avocets - Day 2

A bright sunny day, with a chilly southeasterly wind, but very welcome after the last few days of gloom. A delightful walk at a deserted West Rise Marsh, to see the anticipated Sand Martins, was clearly my highlight. I spent some happy time on the futile task of trying to photograph them as they flew busily around, filling the air with their chattering insect-like call. 

Two large, furry Buff-tailed Bumblebee queens were dozily investigating the wildflower front lawn.. 

Later in the day I visited Rye Harbour, which was very exposed in the strong wind. It was quite busy, but everyone kept two chevrons apart; the hides were also closed. It was lovely to see Avocets in good numbers. There were also some Golden Plover still around. The resident Redshank and Oystercatcher were abundant.

 Buff-tailed Bumblebee

 Sand Martin

 Carrion Crow


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