Sunday 29 March 2020

Snakes-head Fritillary, Wild Cherry and the Downs - Day 9

A Saturday, which due to the schedule we had been keeping all week, actually felt like a weekend. The wildflowers in the garden continue to attract the early insects. We went on a slightly longer dog walk today, but stayed within 2km of home.

I the woods I was delighted to find three wild cherry trees in flower, though I am not sure which species they are. The Wood Anemones continue to look superb, and I saw my second ladybird of the year. Closer to the top of the ridge croziers of the Adders Tongue ferns were emerging.

The wind on the Downs was not pleasant, though it was good to see Skylark, Linnet, Kestrel, Chaffinch and Buzzard.

At home, I dug out one of the compost bins and used the soil to sow butterfly seed mix.

 Snakes-head Fritillary

 Cherry blossom

 Wood Anemone

 Seven-spot Ladybird

 Herb Robert

 Moss fruiting bodies

 Green Alkanet

 Adders-tongue Fern croziers

 Dandelion and wasp


 Dew pond on Willingdon Hill

 Willingdon Hill, looking west

 Red Dead Nettle


 Violet - looking rather blue


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