Wednesday 25 March 2020

Chiffchaffs, Wildflowers, Garden Birding and a very colourful Blue Tit - Day 6

Another bright and sunny day, with a touch of frost. Walking out to the wood with the dog I heard at lest 3 different Chiffchaffs singing, along with plenty of Great Tits and Wrens.

A day of working remotely, while birding from the garden, I managed 18 species for the day. Every time the gulls went up, I went out to look. Several Buzzards passed over, one seemed to infuriate the locals; others drifted over with barely a squawk.

The front lawn has been managed as a wildflower meadow for two years now, and today I decided to survey the species in flower:
Snakes-head Fritillary
Marsh Marigold (in the pond)

Some of these species are obviously not native wildflowers, but the insects like them.

The garden feeders were busy again today, with Great Tits, Blue Tits, Dunnock, Robin and Long-tailed Tit all visiting (the latter had not been evident for several days). I was particularly pleased to see one Blue Tit in superbly bright plumage, that made its conspecifics look quite drab

 One of the Ciffchaffs

 Busy skies, a Buzzards getting attention from three Jackdaws and a Herring Gull.






 Marsh Marigold



 Great Tit

 Blue Tit, with superb plumage

Long-tailed Tit

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