Thursday 3 August 2017

Pett Level

I visited Pett Level on a sunny afternoon. My attention was immediately caught by a Grey Heron feeding in the surf at low tide.

I saw it catch two fish. It remained feeding as the tide came long after the other waders had retreated to the levels.

The amazing sandstone cliffs at Pett.

Curlew. I also saw a Whimbrel.


This Feral Pigeon was surprisingly friendly.

A strawberry Anemone.

A surprisingly mobile Chiton. I think this one is Lepidochitona cinerea.

Eggs of the Dog Whelk.


Periwinkles. The tracks in the sand are made by these creatures.

These photos show the incredible remains of an Ice Age forest that was swamped by the sea about 5200 years ago. The semi-preserved parts of the trees are in the sand, which is dark like leaf mould a few centimetres down.

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