Monday 28 August 2017

France 10: Dombes Plateau

The Dombes Plateau covers 500 square kilometers, and has an average altitude of 300m. It is covered by over 1000 freshwater pools, or étang, which are man-made. These were dug mainly in the 1500s.

5th instar of the Southern Green Shieldbug, Nezala viridula.

4th instar of the Southern Green Shieldbug. Adults are plain green.

The central town of Chatillon-sur-Chalaronne was alive with House Martins, many of whom were still nesting.

A Common Buzzard.

A Roach.

Chatillon-sur-Chalaronne. It was ridiculously hot.

Distant photo of three Night Herons, with the middle one being a juvenile.

White Stork

More White Storks, with a Cattle Egret.

Dusk back at Assin.

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