Saturday 26 August 2017

France 8: Gorges de Thurignin

The river Le Seran is very seasonal, being a torrent in the winter and dry in the summer.

Firebug, Pyrrhocoris apterus. Actually a true bug, being a member of the Hemiptera order of insects.

The damp Limestone of the river bed kept the air delightfully cool on a very hot day.

Famous for its Wallcreepers, I caught a glimpse of my first one ever. I also saw a Short-toed Treecreeper, which I identified from its call.

The river pours out over this cliff, forming a fantastic waterfall in the winter, the Cerveyrieu Cascade. Crag Martins were taking advantage of the dry conditions and nesting on it, another lifetime first.

Record shot of a Crag Martin.

There were some pools still to be found along the river bed, and they attracted a lot of wildlife.

A Yellow-bellied Toad, Bombina variegata,  with some large Pond Skaters.

A Wall Lizard.

Another Yellow-bellied Toad.

My first ever Great Diving Beetle.

Back at Assin the heat was nearly unbearable, but the garden continued to fascinate me.

A male Small Copper, Lycaena phlaeas. 

A flowering Plantain.

Grison's Fritillary, Mellicta varia. 

A thunderstorm across the valley.

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