Sunday 27 August 2017

France 9: Marais de Lavours (again) and Fierloz Limestone Pavement

My number one target species for my trip to France was the Black Woodpecker. The prospect of seeing one prompted a second visit to Marais de Lavours, this time early in the morning.

Black Woodpecker! Quite probably my bird of the year. It looked bonkers.

A Common Pheasant.

One of the lakes at Marais de Lavours.

Looking north to Grand Colombier.

The view to the west across the Rhone valley with the Jura Mountains in the distance.

A Speckled Wood.

Yet another Wall Lizard.

I think these are Roach.

A Southern Comma, Polygonia egea. 

Later in the day we visited the Fierloz limestone pavement.
An amazingly dry habitat.

A male Adonis Blue, Lysandra Bella rugs. 

A Praying Mantis.

A male Adonis Blue.

Red-winged Grasshopper, Oedipoda germanica. When disturbed they launch into short flights displaying their red wings.

Another Praying Mantis.

The Limestone Pavement

Blue-winged Grasshopper, Oedipola caerulescens. Like the Red-winged Grasshoppers, they revealed their wings when disturbed

Something here had been snacking heavily on butterflies.

Meleager's Blue, Meleageria daphnis. 

Another male Adonis Blue.

The intense heat meant we had to retreat back to the pool at the house.

Wall Lizard.

European Paper Wasp, Polistes dominula. 

Grison's Fritillary, Mellicta varia. 

Spotted Fritillary, Melitaea didyma. 

Osiris Blue, Cupido osiris. 

Meadow Fritillary, Mellicta parthenoides. 

Red Kite.

Another Grison's Fritillary.

Meadow Fritillary.

The day flying moth Common Purple and Gold, Pyrausta purpuralis. 

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