Monday 21 August 2017

France 3: Lac du Bourget

Lac du Bourget is up to 145m deep and is one of the largest lakes in France. It was fantastic to swim in on a hot day while looking at the snow capped Alpine mountains to the east.

Spectacular limestone strata of the mountains around the lake.

I am unable to identify this Fritillary. I cannot decide between the Marsh, Heath or Glanville species.

A Large White.

Knapweed Fritillary.

Poplar Hawkmoth.

My first every Praying Mantis.

Scarlet Dragonfly.

At the southern end of the lake is a nature reserve,  with a good two tier hide, called Étang des Aigrettes.

A pair of Scaup. I was amazed to see this species here. 

A distant Middle Spotted Woodpecker, a lifetime first.

Great White Egret.

Grey Heron.

A very distant Squacco Heron.

A Purple Heron. Another lifetime first. In the second photo it has raised its crest in response to a Grey Heron flying over.


One of the rivers that flow into the lake.

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