Thursday 24 August 2017

France 6: Marais de Lavours

Marais de Lavours Marsh is on the Rhone floodplain and is one of last remaining giant marshlands of western Europe. The protected area is over 450 hectares and there are excellent boardwalks that take you right out onto the Marsh.

A juvenile Night Heron, a lifetime first.

View across the marsh to the Grand Colombier mountain.

A Copyu, an introduced rodent from South America. There was a population living in the Norfolk Broads, before they were extirpated due to fears of the damage their burrowing might cause. I last saw one in Normandy ten years ago.

The typical marshy woodland found at the reserve.

Low cloud against the mountains.

An Osiris Blue, Clupido osiris. 

Pied Flycatcher.


A rather disturbing centipede.

Female Blackcap.

Dusk from Assin.

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