Saturday 1 April 2017

Term 4 2017: Highlights

This is a post of my favourite photos from Term 4, along with my top five 'Wildlife Wonders'.

Early morning view from Beachy Brow, which is part of the downland scarp edge above Eastbourne. 

A splendid male Corn Bunting at Birling Gap.

Astonishing Snowdrops near Selmeston church.

Grey Wagtail on the Dudwell River at Bateman's.

Goldfinch at Horseshoe Plantation.

Avocets at Rye Harbour.

Fallow Deer stags in the southern block of the Knepp estate.

Oystercatcher at Rye Harbour.

Pintail at Arlington Reservoir.

Stormy sea and sky at Birling Gap.

Flowering Blackthorn near Charlston Reedbed in the Cuckmere valley.

My top five Wildlife Wonders of Term 4 2017:
#5 Great Crested Grebe courtship display, Weir Wood Reservoir 22th March.

From the west end I could see at least three pairs of Grebes. Along with the head bobbing, weed offering and synchronised swimming the birds called noisily.

#4 Black-winged Stilt near Exceat Bridge, Cuckmere Valley 29th March.

The first time I have seen this lovely species in the UK. Glad I made the effort to go and see it after work as it was gone the next morning.

#3 Lesser Redpolls Broadwater Warren 22nd February.

I rarely see this species, and it was thrilling to come across a flock of over fifty birds in the tops of some Alders at this excellent nature reserve.

#2 Cattle Egret Cuckmere Valley near Litlington, 29th March.

This lovely bird took some finding, particularly as there were plenty of Little Egrets about. Another UK first.

#1 Displaying Ringed Plovers at Rye Harbour, 11th March.

I watched a group of these pugnacious little birds for several minutes, as they postured and flitted about. Enchanting behaviour and a welcome sign of Spring.

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