Wednesday 29 March 2017

Cuckmere Firsts

What a fabulous place the Cuckmere is. The busy traffic at Exceat Bridge is soon forgotten as you walk upstream along the river, and the valley manages to become quite remote. The reported Black-winged Stilt was easy to find, as several birders were already watching it. This was the first time I had seen this species in the UK.

Cattle Egret.

Further north, up the valley towards Litlington, I went looking for the Cattle Egret. This bird was more elusive, but I eventually found it near the bridge just south of Frog Firle. Again this was a UK first for me.

The lovely Black-winged Stilt. 

Flowering Blackthorn near Charlston Reedbed. The blossom has a very heavy scent.

View of the valley to the south from beneath High-and-over.

One of my first lambs of 2017 near Rickney on the Pevensey Levels. 

A female Garganey on Hankam Levels south of Chilley Farm.

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