Monday 17 April 2017

Bluebells and Nightingales

A fabulous walk this afternoon led me to Bramble Grove, which is just north of Abbot's Wood near Hailsham East Sussex. The Bluebells in this wood are amazing, though possibly still a week away from being at their peak.

 In the foreground are some Wood Anemones, which peaked a week ago but still look good.

Just to the south, over the Hailsham to Upper Dicker road, lies Abbot's Wood. The patches of relatively new coppice are ideal for Nightingales, and at least three males were singing this afternoon.


  1. Your photos are reaching greater and greater heights! So beautiful in the deepest truest sense of the word. Fabulous. Currently a hidden treasure but hopefully to be more widely appreciated soon

  2. The actual singing nightingale! The bluebells!
