Tuesday 4 April 2017

Pulborough Brooks

An unforecast sea mist on the Downs was an extra incentive to make the drive east and inland to Pulborough Brooks, where I enjoyed the most lovely spring day.

A Wren in the small reedbed near the visitor's centre.

Rook. This individual was quite approachable.

Buzzard soaring in the thermals generated by the sunshine.

My first Comma of the year.

A male Bullfinch making short work of the blossom. I saw two pairs.

Speckled Wood. There were several along the path towards Nettley's hide.

Orange Tip Butterflies. Another first for the year.

The nest of a pair of Long-tailed Tits. Made from lichen and spider's webs.

One of the numerous Chiffchaffs. There were lots of Blackcaps and Willow Warblers singing too.

A basking Grass Snake. Two Adders were also seen.

Singing Blackbird.

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