Tuesday 18 April 2017

Easter 2017: Highlights

This post compiles my favourite photos from the two week Easter holiday. I have also listed my personal top 10 'wildlife wonders'.

Celandines in the woodland opposite Friston church.

My first Willow Warbler of the summer, near Tabell Ghyll, Ashdown Forest.

Song Thrush at Beachy Head at dusk.

View to the west from Beachy Head.

Wild Daffodils at Tabell Ghyll. 

A Wren at Pulborough Brooks.

Rook. Pulborough Brooks.

Male Bullfinch at Pulborough Brooks.

Long-tailed Tit nest, made from lichen and spider's webs, Pulborough Brooks.

Chiffchaff, Pulborough Brooks. 

Great Crested Grebes at West Rise Marsh.

Birling Gap.

The view from Belle Tout looking west.

The Moon on 4th April.

Mallard with ducklings, my first of 2017, at Arundel.

A displaying Cetti's Warbler, at Arundel.

Sedge Warbler at Arundel. 

Baby Coot, at Arundel.

Wood Anemones, Further Plantation, Willingdon. 

Wheatear at Hope Gap.

Seaford Head, taken from the tidal platform.

View to the west from Hope Gap.

Male Stonechat above Hope Gap. 

Yellowhammer, Lullington Heath.

Early Purple Orchid above Jevington. 

Starling, Dungeness. 

Displaying Wren, Shooters Bottom.

Full moon over Eastbourne on 10th April. 

Song Thrush at Alfriston.

House Sparrow at Birling Gap.

Fulmar at Birling Gap.

Sovereign Harbour, Eastbourne. 

Cuckmere meanders.

Northern Wheatear at the mouth of the Cuckmere.

Meadow Pipit in the Cuckmere valley. 

The beach at Bexhill-on-Sea, looking west. 

West Rise Marsh, Eastbourne. 

Bramble Grove, near Hailsham.

A fortnight of excellent weather meant I spent a great deal of time outdoors, and allowed me to enjoy several fantastic experiences. 

#10 Nightingales in Abbot's Wood 17th April. 

 In the afternoon there were at least three singing males in the newer coppice in the north-western corner. Astonishingly loud.

#9 Little Gulls at Birling Gap 12th April. 

A thrill to finally see this species after many fruitless searches. Distant views but still rewarding. 

#8 Red Kite in Basingstoke, Hampshire 16th April 

My best ever views of of a Red Kite as it repeatedly circled our Easter Egg hunt.

#7 Grass Snake at Pulborough Brooks, 3rd April. 

A magnificent, large snake basking in a secluded patch of brambles.

#6 Hares at The Burgh above the Arun valley, 6th April. 

Always an exciting animal to see. There were at least six different individuals.

#5 Common Redstart at Old Lodge, Ashdown Forest, 5th April. 
Fantastic plumage, a magnificent spring migrant.

#4 Hen Harrier at Dungeness, 9th of April. I was enjoying good views of the long-staying Ring-necked Duck on Cook's Pool, when suddenly it was dived at by a stunning male Hen Harrier. My best ever view of one. The Duck got away.

#3 Adders near Beachy Head, 10th April. 

It was fascinating to watch a female Adder move from one basking spot to another, then to see an excited male with another female.

#2 Tawny Owl at Horseshoe Plantation, 6th April. 

This amazing bird flew directly over before perching obligingly close to me.

#1 Blue Rock Thrush below Belle Tout lighthouse, 6th April. 

A lifetime ambition was fulfilled when I managed to get down your see this well publicised bird, as dusk fell. The diffuse light allowed the blue plumage to be really noticeable. I was the last person there, and it could not be found the next day.

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