Saturday 8 April 2017

Seaford Head

The excellent Seaford Head is a Sussex Wildlife Trust reserve. It has unbeatable views over the Cuckmere valley and of the iconic Seven Sisters cliffs to the east.

Northern Wheatear. A sub adult bird. The scrub lined valley above Hope Gap was full of singing Chiffchaffs, Blackcaps, Chaffinches and Great Tits.

Rock Pipit at the cliff edge above Hope Gap. There is an isolated population of this species living along the chalk cliff coastline, either side of the Cuckmere valley.

Yellow-legged Mining Bee Andrena flavipes . These  bees excavate tunnels in the loose sandy soil that lies over the chalk. These photos were taken from the steps leading down to the beach.

Little Egret feeding on the exposed tidal platform at low tide.

A view back towards the cliffs from the water's edge at low tide. Hope Gap is in the middle. The chalk cliffs to the right are stained by the overlying sandy soil.

Views of the cliffs to the west, towards Seaford. 

Several noisy pairs of Fulmar nest on the cliffs. 

A distant view of one of the resident Peregrines, which also breed here.

A marvellous male Stonechat.

The Seven Sisters cliffs.

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