Thursday 6 April 2017

Old Lodge

Another beautiful sunny day in Sussex, contrary to the weather forecast. Lovely to walk around the Old Lodge reserve in Ashdown Forest, with conditions underfoot being as dry as high summer despite recent rain.

A stunning male Redstart. 

Lots of Chiffchaff and Blackcap singing. Really thrilled to see a Redstart, breeding plumage looking great in the sun. Also saw a pair of territorial Ravens, about a dozen Lesser Redpoll and a pair of Woodlark.

A view across the reserve.

Common Lizards.

A sneakily hidden Slow Worm.

The cool overnight temperatures, and the fresh northerly breeze, made it great conditions to spot basking reptiles. Every tussock or clump seemed to contain a Common Lizard. I also saw a Slow Worm. No luck finding any Adders.

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