Monday 30 January 2017

Tide Mills

After yet another day of missing Waxwings I went to Tide Mills, across the Ouse from Newhaven. Inspired by Winter Watch I was hoping to see roosting Purple Sandpipers at high tide. It was a windy morning and the rain, that was due later in the day, was trying to start early with a few light showers.

Roosting Purple Sandpipers.

On the top of the pier there were five roosting Purple Sandpipers with several Turnstones. This was a lifetime first for me. The birds pointed their breasts at the wind, moving like rudders as it changed direction. I tried to imagine a purplish tint to the feathers, but they seemed to be determinedly grey, though beautiful nonetheless. A few times an individual would untuck a long, thin, curved beak, but these were soon hidden away again. The birds were very tolerant and allowed me to get within a few metres.

One of the Turnstones.

Behind me in the harbour I saw a Kittiwake and a first winter Yellow-legged Gull.

First winter Greater Black-backed Gull, with thanks to Beachy Birder.

An anvil used by a Song Thrush with several smashed Garden Snail shell.

Later on a Stock Dove landed in the back garden. Annoyingly this was after I had finished counting for the Great British Birdwatch

Stock Dove

The results of the Birdwatch:
Woodpigeon 11
Blackbird 3
Great Tit 2
Herring Gull 14
Blue Tit 6
Magpie 3
Robin 1
Jackdaw 12
Grey Heron 1
Carrion Crow 2
Song Thrush 1
Dunnock 1
Chaffinch 1
Jay 1

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