Tuesday 10 January 2017

2016: Highlights - Part 1

What a year of wonder! Throughout 2016 I have had many fantastic experiences, out looking at the natural world. My trip to South Africa was life changing, like living a dream from my childhood. So many amazing experiences.

Last year I compiled a top 10. Initially my plan this year was to combine 10 South African and 10 UK experiences to make a top 20. When it came to selecting a list, I just could not get it shorter than 26, pleasingly 13 of each. I know how self-indulgent this whole exercise is. but I have really enjoyed compiling it.

#26 Goosander on Rydal Water 25th July

It was one of those days in the Lake District when the rain clouds form over you. After a wet walk around Grasmere, my reward was a a female Goosander with her two well grown offspring on Rydal Water. The female was actively feeding, swimming along often with her head held under the water. The juveniles seemed content to just sit on a rock.

#25 Bullfinches at Old Lodge, 1st June
After a very heavy shower, a male Bullfinch feeding briefly on the ground was joined by a female. A marvellous species that I rarely get a glimpse of.

#24 Brent Geese off the cliffs at Crowlink

I watched this thrilling flock of Brent Geese flying low across the sea from the direction of Seaford Head, heading east as part of their return migration to Siberia.

#23 Crossbills, Old Lodge 1st June

In very misty conditions I saw my first ever Crossbills at Old Lodge, just after seeing the Bullfinches. Fantastic red males and the equally lovely green females. Just look at those twisty bills.

#22 White-fronted Bee-Eaters near Oliphants Restcamp, Kruger 1st April.

A lifetime's ambition realised to see wild Bee-Eaters. A few years ago I did not mange to see a group of ten European Bee-Eaters that appeared near Firle. These beautiful birds more than compensated for that disappointment.

#21 Great Bustards near Enford, Wiltshire 23rd October

An exciting Land Rover ride, up into Ministry of Defence land, to visit the release site of the Great Bustard Group. Extinct in the UK since 1832 this enormous bird is now being reintroduced to the plains of Wiltshire. A great experience and one that I highly recommend.

#20 Spotted Hyena and cubs near Satara Restcamp, Kruger 5th April

Early in the morning, right next to the road, I came across my first ever wild Spotted Hyenas; a mother with two pups. The animals were completely relaxed, and their gentle demeanors seemed to confound their fearsome reputation.

#19 Dartford Warbler, Broadstone Warren Ashdown Forest 10th April
Seen just a few days after returning from my South Africa trip, this magnificent male Dartford Warbler was a timely reminder of just how exciting our native wildlife can be. What a bird!

#18 Giant Kingfisher Sabie River, Kruger 5th April

I had eagerly anticipated seeing the famous hovering African Pied Kingfisher on my trip, and I was not disappointed. This amazing bird was a complete surprise. At over 40 cm long, it is truly a giant Kingfisher.

#17 Curlew Sandpiper Pett Level 29th August.

A chance wander along the beach, after looking at the pools on the levels, turned up two of the enchanting little birds.

#16 Southern Ground Hornbill near Skukuza Restcamp, Kruger 3rd April.

The stuff of legend. I have seen loads of these in zoos in the UK, it was fantastic to see a large family group hunting through the long grass.

#15 Tihongonyeni Waterhole, Kruger 1st of April. 

It was a long hot drive up to this waterhole, which is near the tropic of Capricorn. It was well worth the effort. There was constant stream of wildlife visiting including Tsessebe Damaliscus lunatus lunatus, Zebra, Gnu, Buffalo and very large male Elephant. There was also White Stork, Egyptian Goose, Black-winged Stilt, Ostrich and a flock of Wattled Starling. It was just how I imagined an African waterhole to be.

#14 Leopard near Oliphants Restcamp, Kruger 2nd April

A magical brief view of a male Leopard just after dawn. Wow!

This concludes part one of my top Wildlife Wonders of 2016. Part two, comprising positions 13 to 1 will follow shortly.

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