Monday 6 February 2017

Scotney Castle

A lifetime first, if rather distant, sighting of Ridgway's Cackling Goose (Branta hutchinsii minima) in the Cuckmere valley consoled me after yet another near miss with Waxwings, this time in Bexhill. I have started to dream about seeing them. Nevermind, Spring is definitely on the way.

 Flowering Witchhazel
Snowdrops in the grounds of Scotney Castle

At Scotney Castle I had fantastic views of the most confiding Robins. I counted over 20 individuals as I walked around the gardens.

 Not sure if this is courtship or territorial behaviour.

Easily the highlight of my weekend were two fleeting glimpses and listening to the call of a Lesser Spotted Woodpecker. I am lucky if I see one of these birds a year.

  Canada Goose in the moat

At Birling gap there were several Fulmars by the cliffs. Out to sea I saw a Red-throated Diver flying east.

1 comment:

  1. Relieved to know that Spring is springing! Lovely photos, especially the Robins, my favourite bird. I can smell that Witchhazel from here!
