Monday 2 January 2017

Term 2 / December 2016: Highlights

Over the course of November and December I enjoyed many marvellous wildlife experiences. Here is my top 5.

#5 Massed Coots at Pett Level, 4th December.

 The huge flock of Coots hang around the largest pool, nervously moving onto the grass to feed. When spooked they pile back into the water.

#4 Goldeneyes at Rye Harbour, 10th December.

Arriving early I made my solitary way out to the Beach Reserve. In the two distant pools were about 6 Goldeneyes, including two splendid males displaying vigorously; necks stretched out or bent backwards, looking up at the sky.

#3 Flock of Bramblings at Old Lodge, 20th November.

Feeding in the leaves under a row of old Beech Trees, their colouring rendering them amazingly camouflaged. At least 20 birds.

#2 Desert Wheatear at Norman's Bay.

A lovely and confiding bird. I managed to find it by myself, thanks to useful directions posted by earlier birders. It seemed to be actually quite interested in me and had a good, close look.

#1 Slavonian Grebe at West Rise Marsh, 19th November.

What a fantastic place West Rise Marsh is. My first visit generated only distant views, but on my second I got lucky in great light.


  1. Loved your top 5 choices
    I like 1st 3 then 2,1,4,5.
    Luckily we are all different!

  2. Loved your top 5 choices
    I like 1st 3 then 2,1,4,5.
    Luckily we are all different!
