Tuesday 3 January 2017

West Rise Marsh

A beautiful, but chilly morning down at West Rise Marsh. The temperature was at -2'C with a hard frost. The frozen ground meant the mud was easier to walk on. On the lake were Wigeon, Pochard, Tufted Duck, Coot and Shoveler. Teal were hiding in the reeds.

I had great views of two of the wintering Bearded Tits. One bird posed well as it fed busily from a seed head. I also saw Meadow Pipit, Pied Wagtail, Reed Bunting, Water Pipit and Stone Chat.

Bearded Tit

 Tufted Duck



A good morning became really fantastic with a close encounter with a Water Rail. I had given up hoping I would ever get to photograph this species.

 Water Rail


  1. Perfect clear light for pictuŕes of beautifully posing birds.

  2. Perfect clear light for pictuŕes of beautifully posing birds.
